Non-electric frost-free drinkers with drinking bowl.
Perfect for both outdoor (under shelter) and indoor use, the THERMOLACs work according to the Thermos flask principle: a double PEHD wall is insulated with polyurethane foam.
Model 40 litres with removable dish. Suitable for 15 heads of big cattle, or 25 goats or 25 sheeps (Water still always visible on the bowl).
Frost-free down to -15 °C (5°F) in winter depending the number of the animals.
Float valve 36 l./mn.
Each Thermolac™ comes with a stainless steel braided hose, insulating jacket and ground insulation.
Insulated drain plug Ø 100 mm for a complete draining in only 17 secondes.
Quickly and complete opening patented system.