5-years R&D
The Eclairvale was marketed after 5 years of research and development, and its mode of action by free rotation is patented.
Quick return on investment
What is the global cost of thinning operations in your fields? An Eclairvale does in one hour what a team of twenty does during a complete day-work. Do your own figures...
Quality machine
Sleek designed and non-powered, the Eclairvale is a reliable machine. Flexible rods are the only wear parts, and they are replaced easily in less than one minute per rod.
Quality thinning
With flowers or with fruits, the thinning done by the Eclairvale compares with hand-made work. According to study reports (to download here : CTIFL 2018 / CTIFL 2017 / IRTA), the Eclairvale does not hurt trees nor fruits. It is to be used in the same fields and in the same season of your usual thinning... except that it's much more quicker.