Crimson Clover cover crop legume is a semi-upright winter annual legume that germinates quickly and prefers well drained soil. Crimson Clover legume tends to remain actively growing in cooler temperatures when warmer season clovers go dormant. Crimson clover legume can be successfully established in both fall and spring. To maximize success in late summer plantings, seed at least 6-8 weeks before frost. Spring plantings should occur after all danger of frost has past.
Strong nitrogen fixing and high biomass potential –N production will be greatest when termination occurs at or after bud stage
Really good shade tolerance –suitable for interseeding plantings in grass cash crops
Good option for hay or grazing
Increases water-\ holding ability and flowering stands attract many beneficial insects and pollinators
Suited for many cropping systems across the country, from potatoes to corn to wheat to cotton
Hardy to USDA Zone 7 (0–5° F)