LAND O LAKES® Electrolyte System helps address dehydration, assists with optimal intake, supports calves experience heat stress, and provides nutritional support during health challenges.
LAND O LAKES® Electrolyte Base can be fed as an early intervention before transportation, upon arrival as part of receiving protocol, when calves are undergoing heat stress, or at the first signs of scours (scour score 2) when no other signs of dehydration are visible.
LAND O LAKES® Electrolyte Add Pack can be ADDED to LAND O LAKES® Electrolyte Base at the first visible signs of dehydration, such as sunken yes, pale gums, tented skin, milk depression or weakness, or when calves have more severe scours (scour score 2 to 3).
Features & Benefits
Two-Part System
The two-part system allows flexibility to meet your calves’ needs. Feed the Base at the first signs of calf scours, before visible signs of dehydration. Give dairy calves an extra boost with the Add Pack if scours become more severe.
Energy Boost
LAND O LAKES® Electrolyte System provides a quick energy source to keep calves vitalized during times of stress, such as weaning, housing changes or dehorning.
Encourage Eating
Stress from transitions, diet changes, transportation and disease challenges such as calf scours can cause a feed intake drop. Each dose of the LAND O LAKES® Electrolyte System provides vitamin B to help encourage eating.
Get Calves Drinking
Ingredients in LAND O LAKES® Electrolyte Complete encourage calves to drink water for hydration support during heat stress and encourage calf starter feed intake.