The iCUBE is an intelligent logistic solution designed using standardised components, automated by our intelligent 3D-Carrier and Vertical Transporter (VT).
Because of this extensive standardisation the latest generation of the iCUBE is completely ready for use and turnkey, from the best price on the market and is by far the most flexible automated solution available today.
Using an iCUBE system means getting the absolute most out of the available storage space, without needing to waste space for operating forklifts between rows. The movements of pallets are done completely automatic using 3D-Carriers and Vertical Transport lifts all controlled by the highly advanced WICS WCS.
Refrigerated Storage:
One of the main uses for the iCUBE Automated Handling and Storage system is in large scale refrigerated storage. Because large scale refrigerated storage uses a great deal of energy for creating and maintaining the sub-zero environment, the minimising of needed space can directly have a huge impact. While manually operated systems have a rack height that is limited to about 12 meter due to the height limitations of forklifts, an iCUBE on the other hand uses space much more efficiently and its racks can be as tall as 50 meters (if zoning permissions allow for such a high commercial building). Not having to leave free lanes for forklifts also increases the storage efficiency and capacity.