Bale Unroller
UBI JET - UBI JET DISK : Bale unroller Straw bedder
Bale Unroller Spreader with tines or disc
The bale unroller spreaders for round bales UBI JET and UBI JET DisK are standard equipped with tilting body to allow an efficient unrolling of Hay / Straw / Wrapped / Alfalfa. The loading arm is adjusted hydraulically for handling different diameters of bales. 2 spreading system available
UBI JET : spreading with tines (hydraulically retractable)
UBI JET DisK : spreading with bolted disc
These spreaders unroller have 180° rotation to distribute on the right and left side and in the center (UBI JET) of the feeding corridor. These models are equipped with retractable teeth to avoid the material to go under the machine. This system gives a homogeneous spread along the feed table.