The development of the MachineryGuide software continues with extra functions which enable further measurements, field work efficiency and precision.,The handling of application prescription maps is such a function with which farmers can have the needed work done on their field with high level of specification. The issue of having different type of trailed equipment is also solved as the application is able to follow and model such flow in the movement of the machinery, further increasing the accuracy of work on the field.
Automatic Application Rate
Farmers using BSC Pres or BSC Flow will have automatic variable rate control according to the loaded prescription map.
Shadows and Ground Textures
An exciting esthetical function where the showing of ground texture and the shadow of the 3D models can be enabled.
Import SHP Files
Variable rate application prescription maps can be handled by the app. The file can have multiple attributes per map of which the user can select which one should be applied.
Realistic Trailer Behavior
Primarily designed for section controllers to achieve a higher accuracy of overlap avoidance by realistically 3D modelling the behavior of the machinery. However, further accuracy is achieved in all farm works with a trailer.