The use of the MachineryGuide guidance application is simple, the user interface is clear, and its functions provide a great variety. With the addition of an adequate antenna and receiver unit high precision work can be accomplished with low investments.
MachineryGuide Guidance
The MachineryGuide guidance is an innovative and easy-to-use solution for all farms. The application can be run on an Android device, therefore there is no need for a guidance specific device. The application, in order to reach high precision accuracy, is able to connect to an outer GPS, GNSS or RTK receiver, moreover with the connection of the BSC section control unit, automatic sprayer guidance is made possible as well.,With the use of the application, substantial savings can be made during the agriculture works. Furthermore, it makes keeping track of finished work easier, faster and more precise.
Visual Section Control
Option to control 12 sections, each section's size can be individually set - automatic section control can also be achieved by connecting the BSC, BSC Plus or BSC Pres section control unit.
Handling of Work Sessions and Fields
•Detailed statistics
•PDF and KML exporting option
Night Mode
Inspite of poor visibility, agriculture field works can still be done
•The visual display is in many aspects customizable
•3D or 2D view
Realistic 3D Models
Tractor, tractor with mounted sprayer, combine harvester or simple arrow models are all available in the application.