MAGE Agri proposes three tie types to cover all your needs.
Each tie spool comprises a steel core covered with either biodegradable paper, or a photo-degradable plastic coating, or with PVC.
Two parameters should be considered when selecting ties: strength, so the steel wire comes in several diameters, the purpose of the tie which will determine its degradability.
For example, an exposed vine, requiring no specific forces and for an average bunch weight, our preference would be for a biodegradable paper tie, 0.40 mm diameter. However, for a drip irrigation pipe, we would recommend a spool of PVC tie, 0.40 mm diameter.
Biodegradable ties
Degradability 6 to 10 months, disintegration by moisture / oxidisation
Material Paper / Steel
Photo-degradable ties
Degradability 12 to 24 months, disintegration by UV / oxidisation
Material Photo-degradable plastic coating / Steel
PVC ties
Degradability 3 to 5 years, almost indestructible, cut to remove
Material PVC / Steel