Grapemaster Blast + is a tractor trailed sprayer for Vineyards that gives superior performance with 24 HP and above tractors. Enabled by Its lightweight and durable design, Blast + provides best output in both Y-shape and Mandap Vineyards. It comes equipped with a Computer Balanced Fan with counter-veins and Equalizer Cone technology, giving uniform high volume air output for efficient chemical penetration with lesser load on tractor. The Reverse Fan System also helps in avoiding the suction of leaves, grass and mulching residuals from the ground. Blast + has an air recovery system that ensures efficient air output and better coverage resulting in evenly sized export quality grapes.
-Tractor trailed sprayer which works freely on 24 HP and above tractors
-100 % coverage to prevent powdery mildew, downy mildew and mites
-Expert in spraying, dipping and thinning
-2 speed + neutral gearbox
-Water suction facility up-to 8 feet
-75 LPM diaphragm pump.
-Air recovery system for excellent air output and improve efficiency.
-24×7 doorstep service and easy availability of spares.