The cereal-free mineral feed
-cereal-free & molasses-free
-minerals, trace elements, vitamins
-for all horses
-broad Ca:P ratio
marstall Force is a premium mineral feed with concentrated levels of minerals, vitamins and trace elements. The extra-small pellets taste great and contain valuable brewer‘s yeast but no cereals.
marstall Force provides leisure and sports horses with key minerals that are often lacking from ordinary hay and cereal feeds.
Each horse’s energy and protein needs vary considerably and always depend on the work done and the physical makeup of the horse. Mineral, trace element and vitamin requirements also differ. Because most pastures and hay meadows in Germany are poor in species diversity, almost all horses should receive a mineral feed or mineralised supplement to make up for the nutrients missing in their forage.
marstall Force is an especially high quality mineral feed for all horses of any age and breed and regardless of their performance or field of work. Our marstall Force has a broad Ca:P ratio, making it ideal for balancing pure hay and cereal diets, although it can also be combined with other marstall feeds. This is especially recommended if the horse receives smaller feeds than the recommended quantities.