Planting machine with a plant canal width of 60 cm. The machine is provided with an excavating mechanism, a loading platform of 2,1 meters wide and a hydraulic lift with side shift in the canal to plant trees with root ball exactly in line.
In front of the plant canal is mounted a digging plow with an extra powerful drive. There are screwed eight spades to dig away the earth and placing sideways next to the canal. The whole driveline is secured by a drive shaft which is provided with an automatic torque limiter. If the torque is too high, it pops out. The connection to the tractor is broken. By switching off the pto, the connection is automatically restored. There are special seals fitted to prevent the ingress of dirt.
There is mounted an oil reservoir at the front side. The oil level can be checked with a dipstick and ensures that the driving always is filled with oil. Behind the plant canal are two in height and length adjustable sliders that close the slot. Two infinitely variable height and width adjustable wheels make sure the soil is well pressed. Above the dig unit is mounted a loading platform so that you can take plant material with you.