The alternative to ready-made weighing machines.
Those who want to construct their own weighing machine or who already have a weighing cage and who would like to change their mechanical scales to digital scales can take advantage of our high-quality aluminium or stainless steel load bars.
Load bars or weighing beams are often used for industrial purposes, e.g. to weigh pallets, cargo or silos what often requires connection to computer systems. For this purpose we develop together with the user a suitable solution for the automatic processing and transmission of weighing data.
■ Available in 100 cm, 145 cm, or 190 cm length
■ Each length can be shortened by 15 and 30 cm
■ Other special dimensions on request
■ Low construction height of only 8 cm
■ No need to let it into the ground
■ Total load capacity 2,500 kg
Weighing program for moving animals.
A complete weighing system includes two load bars, electronics with an easy-to-read bright display and a 4.5 m long connection cable. The weighing program is well suited for static weighing and includes a special lock function for moving animals. With automatic taring.
The weighing unit is sealed waterproof and cables are resistant to damage caused by rodents. On request we deliver the complete system also with PC and printer connection or data transfer via downloader kit. Industrial applications such as barcode scanner are also available.
Weighing cells up to 52,000 kg.
Alternatively to the prefabricated weighing beams is it also possible to use weighing cells. This option allows individual constructions.
For example it is possible to mount the weighing cells directly on the silo feet to weigh complete feed silos.