Dairy cattle feel comfortable at low temperatures.
Also animals have an individual comfort temperature level and that is one target to be achieved. Best possible stable climate, comfortably cool air and reduced number of annoying flies. It became apparent with dairy cattle that the animals breathe calmer, eat more and prolong rumination what increases milk yields significantly.
Spray cooling vaporizes water above the walking area of cows. Vaporization makes the ambient temperature fall.
Pressure of 3.5 bar is sufficient.
The low-pressure cooling unit is based on an easy to install system made of PVC lines and mist nozzles. A cooling branch made of PVC tubes is mounted above the cattle's walkway. Installation and distribution depends on the individual local conditions. Nozzles spray only in the walking area, resting areas remain dry. That way animals are free to choose whether they want cooling or not.
Water pressure of at least 3.5 bar is sufficient for the operation. Mist nozzles are available as single, double, triple or quadruple type. It is part of the system conception to determine which type of nozzle is best suitable for the pen.
Easy and intuitive operation.
Apart from an uncomplicated installation the low-pressure cooling systems convince with an easy to operate and menu-driven cooling control unit MBWeich 200. Cooling operation is controlled by a temperature sensor which initiates cooling in accordance with preset cooling temperatures.