Lambs and kids are very good at gorging milk. When fed from a teat with a valve fitted, they can pump milk into the abomasum at super high speed. This causes gorging and can have serious health implications like bloat.
The Milk Bar™ Lamb/ Kid Teat controls the flow of milk so the lambs and kids must suckle the teat and the milk delivery is regulated for maximum digestive health.
How to use
The controlled flow is the key to reducing management of kids and lambs.
We recommend that you start the season with new Milk Bar™ Lamb/ Kid Teats in your feeders and replace as necessary.
Lambs and kids are notoriously tough on teats. They like to bite and chew them.
To prolong the life of your teats, remove the feeder after feeding and allow an extra space or two on the feeder. This will make your teats last longer.
How do I change my teats?
Milk Bar™ Teats have a pull through design to sit snugly against the feeder wall for optimum hygiene. However, while this is the most hygienic system, it can also be difficult to change teats!
Use a Teat Tool: This is by far the easiest method. The purpose designed Teat Tool plucks the teat from the feeder with minimal effort in seconds.
Pull the teats out by hand: When removing by hand, make sure to either pull the teat directly down or up. If you try to pull the teat straight out, it will be a tough job!
Cut the teats out: Make sure the blade is sharp and you use the knife away from you.
Make sure to check the teat alignment is correct and the slit is vertical!