TRM is a sturdy, high-quality and cost-effective general purpose trailer. Its versatility and durability make the trailer a sensible, efficient choice for a variety of transportation applications. The trailer can handle earthmoving and grain transportation with uncompromised efficiency. TRM trailers require fairly little space to operate, making unloading easy even in smaller facilities. The trailers also have ow overall height making them easy to load.
Durable body from special steel
Hardox wear steel plates combined with Ruuki Double Grade steel tube bars help us to build extremely reliable and durable trailers.
Versatile extension cassettes
Multiva TRM trailers can be equipped with optional extension cassettes. The heavy-duty steel extension cassettes provide an easy and economical solution to extending the capacity of the trailer for transporting lighter materials. The extension cassette can be conveniently mounted on the trailer with, for example, a front loader.
Low overall height
TRM trailers are designed so that the overall height is low.
This increases the stability of the trailer and makes loading significantly faster and easier.