Pooling Partners CRT box – for Cathode Ray Tube televisions
For the majority of the twentieth century, consumers watched television broadcasts on the old style Cathode Ray Tubes. CRTs still make up the majority of the television screens that join the waste stream today.
Collection points often only have sufficient floor area for a few small boxes. Having a standard box for all WEEE streams (including ADR and FPD) makes storage, transport and handling more efficient as boxes can be stacked and operations combined. Many of our customers benefit from the same modular design with slight differences variation in the construction to match the needs of each waste stream and of the operator throughout the reverse supply chain.
The Pooling Partners CRT box is ideal for use at the collection point where lifting the first CRT into the box can be a physical challenge. The modular design allows for operators to safely lift the CRT over the low front sidewall.
If transported in one complete standard trailer you can expect to transport 15-18 tonnes of CRTs.