This polytunnel greenhohuse also called chapel or multi-span greenhouse, is characterized by the shape of its roof, formed by semicircular curved arches and its all-metal structure.
This type of greenhouse would falls into the category of what are commonly referred as multitunel, like Asymmetrical or Tropical and Gothic greenhouses. These type greenhouses are assembled like a Meccano. The different parts stapled together, nuts and bolts, so no soldering needed.
Novedades Agricolas makes this greenhouse under its own brand: APR, naming this model as APC96 or APC80 according to standard widths.
Starndard Features:
APR greenhouses design
The standard dimensions of this type of greenhouse are:
-With: 8 m - 9.60 m
-Height on canal: 4 m - 5 m – 5.50 m
-Zentith Height: 5.80 m - 6.30 m - 6.80 m
-Distance between pillars: 5 m (inside) – 2,50 m (outside)
When is your right choice?
This type of greenhouse is designed for temperate and cold climates, although experience shows us that with suitable modifications can be adapted to almost all weather conditions, such as the reinforced structure for colder climates where loads of snow can be a problem.
On the other hand they offer great resistance to high winds and rapid installation.
Polytunnels Greenhouses Advantages:
-Few obstacles in its structure.
-Good ventilation.
-Good sealing to rain and air.
-Allows installation of roof and perimeter ventilation.
-Good deal of lighting inside the greenhouse
-Easy installation.