We make technology, quality and strength of our Professional Greenhouses available for you in order to get the best performance from your crop production.
APR Kit greenhouses are Tunnel greenhouses specially conceived for growers and designed for high-profit crop production in small plots.
Following a series of meetings and researches carried out by our Technical Department specialists, we have succeeded in achieving a new Greenhouse Model with high resistance, easy installation structure that enables higher quality production, preventing the entry of insects and improving performance.
APR Kit Greenhouse Advantages
-High production and performance of the crop.
-More efficient use of inputs in irrigation, fertigation and hydroponics.
-Pests, weeds and diseases control.
-Designed for the development of all kind of crops.
-Adaptable to every weather condition.
-Ensures the development of plants through the year.
-Cheap solution for small crops.
-Easy installation and greenhouses maintenance.
-Better selling prices and investment recovery.