High quality protein feed for young lambs
Suitable for young lambs four days old through until after weaning.
NRM Lamb Performance Pellets with Deccox® 6% are a high protein, readily digestible energy formulation designed to encourage good rumen development in young lambs and aid in the prevention of coccidiosis.
Key Benefits and Features
-High quality protein pellet, aiding the development of muscle and bone.
-Contains highly digestible cereal grains which help stimulate rumen papillae development and encourage greater feed intakes.
-Early rumen development reduces the risk of feed intake checks at weaning and may reduce rearing costs.
-Contains essential vitamins, minerals, and trace elements needed for optimal growth, development and vigour.
-Palatability helps ensure any twin or triplet multiple born lamb is adequately fed until after weaning.
-Provides creep feed supplementation for lambs on ewes during pasture shortfalls and helps transition lambs onto pasture at weaning.
-Deccox® 6% aids in the prevention of coccidiosis.
Feeding Rates
May vary with different breeds and farming practices. As a supplement to milk feeding, feed NRM Lamb Performance Pellets with Deccox® ad lib from 4 days of age. Healthy lambs older than 4 weeks of age, over 9kg body weight, and typically eating 200g/ head/day of NRM Lamb Performance Pellets with Deccox®, may be weaned off milk and onto pasture. After weaning, slowly reduce pellet intake over the next 6 weeks to a minimum of 85g NRM Lamb Performance Pellets with Deccox®/head/day.