Everybody's favorite color for everybody's favorite food.
Everyone who cares about food should care about its color. Color is more than just good looks; it is important for taste, for appeal, and for perceived quality of food. We try to help you to create more value from fewer resources. That is why carotenoids play such an important part in our work. The color of egg yolks, broiler skin, salmonids or shrimp determines how much a farmer will receive for his efforts.
Your benefits at a glance
-Highly efficient and cost-effective
-High bioavailability
-Outstanding stability during storage and feed production
-Color can be adjusted to meet your expectations
Find the insights you need
A chicken with pigmented skin indicates more than just a delicious meal, it is viewed as a sure sign of a vital animal and a nutritious diet. Take, for example, the famous corn-fed Bresse chicken, which are known for their dark yellow skin. In many countries, consumers prefer their broilers yellow or beige rather than pale white. With Lucantin® Yellow 10% NXT and Lucantin® Red 10% NXT, farmers can easily adjust broiler skin to market demands – a very effective way of getting more value with less effort and fewer resources.
What is Lucantin® Red's role in animal nutrition?
Canthaxanthin is widely used as a feed additive for pigmentation of egg yolks and broiler skin. In poultry, canthaxanthin is used to impart a red color tone to egg yolks and broiler skin. It is used in combination with yellow carotenoids to intensify the pigmentation and to achieve the desired golden yellow color.