We produce gutter cover film in all types and sizes. Your cultivation duct last longer and the film reduces the chance of the transmission of viruses and diseases.
Features of our gutter cover film
•The gutter cover film that we make has the following features:
•Prevention of residue formation of fertilisers in your cultivation duct
•Prevents unwanted root growth and reduces the risk of the transmission of viruses and diseases
•The coating of your cultivation duct is less affected and it also possibly increases the life span of cultivation duct
•For single year use – the cultivation ducts can be cleaned quickly during the crop changeover
•Rapid absorption with specially developed unrolling trestle and accompanying handle
•Crop gutters must be 100% dry when fitted
•Take into account a 5% loss when fitted
Versions of our gutter cover film
•The gutter cover film that we make is available in the following versions:
•Black/white or white to prevent the growth of algae under the film
•Standard widths 15 cm (2 x 7,5 cm flap) in white and in black/white 20 (2 x 10 cm flap) and 23,5 cm (2 x 11,75cm flap)
•Standard thickness 50 mu
•Standard roll length of 500 metres per roll
•Different lengths, widths and shorter flaps on request available
Application options of our gutter cover film
The gutter cover film that we make is suitable for the following applications:
•Solution for unwanted root growth and damage to the coating of the cultivation ducts