Laboratory gluten strain Meter OlisLab 6200, an upgraded version of the device IDK-3MU, is designed to determine the quality of gluten in wheat grain and wheat flour by the amount of compression deformation under the influence of a certain load during a specified period.
Using the device, the quality of gluten is assessed by the ability of a certain mass of gluten (4 g) to resist compression deformation resulting from the action of a load of a certain mass (120 g) for a specified period (30 s).
It is used at grain-receiving, grain processing, feed, oil extraction, bakery and other food enterprises, variety testing breeding stations, research laboratories and inspection companies.
Scope of application: for the standardized determination of the Gluten Deformation Index: in grain according to GOST 13586.1-68 “Grain. Methods for determining the quantity and quality of gluten in wheat” (cancelled in Ukraine); in flour according to GOST 27839-88 “Wheat flour. Methods for determining the quantity and quality of gluten” (cancelled in Ukraine); and for use in other methods according to domestic and international standards.
The device consists of a body with an electronic control unit, on which a stand, a table, and a display are installed. On the rear wall of the housing there is a power cable socket, a power switch, two fuse holders, a button for switching on the test mode “TEST”, a button for bringing the measuring system to conditional zero “>0<“. On top of the case there is a button for starting the measurement mode “START”.