CalMax Ultra is an inorganic suspension fertilizer containing calcium and a balanced ratio of nitrogen, magnesium and micronutrients, formulated with ebaTM additives to significantly improve calcium uptake
Calcium is a primary constituent of all cell walls and menbranes. Restriction in the availability of calcium will adversely affect cell structure and function
To rapidly correct calcium deficiency in extreme conditions, improve fruit set, increase yield and help improve firmness, storability, colour and finish in a range of fruits and vegetables.
Omex CalMax® Ultra is a unique formulation containing calcium and ebaTM additives, which act as a ‘pump primer’ to ensure calcium is effectively transported into plant cells even during periods of low metabolic activity. The increased leaf and fruit calcium allows for longer storage life and less risk of physical damage as well as a greater resilience to physiological
Calcium is a primary constituent of all cell walls and membranes. Restrictions in the availability of calcium will adversely affect cell structure and function.
Calcium deficiency is the major cause of a number of disorders including bitter pit in apples, fruit splitting and cracking, tip burn in lettuce and blossom end rot in tomatoes. Foliar applications of calcium are a common way of supplying extra calcium to prevent
deficiency symptoms, however, all too often they prove to be ineffective despite relatively high rates of application.