OMEX CalMax® is a fully water soluble, highly concentrated foliar fertilizer containing 22.5% calcium and a balanced range of micronutrients. OMEX CalMax® is specifically formulated for use as a foliar fertiliser and can be applied to all fruit and vegetable crops to improve fruit firmness, storability, colour and skin finish.
OMEX CalMax®:
•Protects against a wide range of disorders related to calcium deficiency
•Improves firmness in all fruit and vegetables giving increased shelf life
•Enhances resistance to crop diseases
•Optimises yield and quality
Calcium is a primary constituent of all cell walls and membranes. Restrictions in the availability of calcium will adversely affect cell division, impair the structural stability and the permeability of cell walls. Increasing fruit calcium promotes longer storage life and resists a range of physiological break down conditions including water core, bitter pit and internal browning.
Calcium is linked to plant vigour, root development, berry formation and fruit quality, while nitrogen and magnesium support canopy development. Use OMEX CalMax® to correct calcium deficiency, improve fruit set, increase yield and help improve firmness, storability, colour and finish in a range of fruits and vegetables.