The 12-bit Temperature Smart Sensor provides < ± 0.2° C total accuracy (< ±0.36° F) and resolution of < ± 0.03° C (< ±0.054° F) over the range of from 0° to 50° C (32° to 122° F). The full measurement range is -40° to 100° C (-40° to 212° F). A selectable measurement-averaging feature further improves accuracy. Reliable service is assured by a stainless steel sensor tip and robust cable rated for immersion in water up to 50° C for up to 1 year. This model has a cable length of 2.
Also available in a wireless model for use with the HOBOnet Field Monitoring System.
Highlighted Features
-Measurement range of -40° to 100°C (-40° to 212°F)
-Stainless steel sensor tip
-Sensor and cable rated for immersion in water or soil up to 50°C for up to 1 year
In what environment does this sensor operate?
This sensor operates in indoor, outdoor and underwater environments.
What measurements does this sensor support?
The S-TMB-M002 sensor supports the following measurements: Temperature and Water Temperature