It is utilized for development and reproduction, where amino acids play a vital role in farm animal output and can greatly contribute to farm profitability.
Maximum efficacy in rapid muscle gain of broiler, Enhance egg production and egg size in layer, Enhance egg fertility and hatchability at breeder, Maximum efficacy in meat and milk production of cattle, Keep animals refreshed in case of stresses like, feed change, transportation, environmental temperature change etc., Increase efficacy of vaccine, Directly improve immunity, Enhance palatability, Recover form weakness after Antibiotic and Anthelmintic treatment
Mode of Action:
Amino acid: Amino acids are the�building blocks of proteins. They are the molecules that all living things need to make protein and you need 20 of them to help your body function properly.
Minerals: Minerals are necessary for 3 main reasons:�building strong bones and teeth. Controlling body fluids inside and outside cells.