The Osborne ACCU-ARM® Survey Scale™ is the sort-scale component of the Weight Watcher™ Growth Management System. The Survey Scale measures the weight of the pigs each time they pass through the scale. The controller on the scale rapidly detects and stores the weight of each animal as it moves from the water to the feed pens.
The Survey Scale also monitors the growth of pigs by sorting them by weight or sorting them for market. With the simple addition of RFID technology, individual average daily gain (ADG) growth values can be monitored to select top performing animals to be retained into the herd for genetic selection and improvement. For example, superior performing females can be retained in the herd as replacement females, and in addition to structural and reproductive traits, individual ADG data and growth information can incorporated into the selection process.
With the addition of a spray marker, animals in a specific weight range can visually be identified.
-Survey Scale controller provides daily access to real-time growth performance and weight ranges of pigs
-Monitors pig activity 24/7 when temperature tracking and water usage options are utilized
Track individual average daily gain (ADG) with RFID option
-Survey Scale links to Daily Weigh Software to provide informative reports
-Programmable weight ranges to track and predict future market loads
-Rugged construction keeps the scale operating for years
-Visually identify animals in specific weight ranges with addition of a spray marker