Ovlac has a broad experience in manufacturing reversible semimounted ploughs for different markets and working environments. The reversible semimounted series includes models of up to 9 bodies. Depending on the working needs, 2 security systems –shearbolt (F) and hydraulic auto reset (H)- can be chosen. All of them can also fit either hydraulically adjustable working width (SS models) or manuallly adjustable working width in 4 positions (SL models).
The depth adjustment as well as the first body width can always be hydraulically adjusted. In case of the tractor not having enough spool valves to handle all the hydraulic functions (3 or 4 depending on the model), the plough can be fitted with electro-valves.
Ovlac Reversible semimounted series can be fitted with a wide selection of accessories like different bodies, trash boards, skimmers, discs, coulters, etc.
Main Advantages
Monowheel reversible semimounted ploughs up to 9 bodies and 3 security systems available:
•Shearbolt (SLF / SSF)
•Leaf spring auto reset (SLB/SSB)
•Hydraulic auto reset (SLH/SSH)