The new 9240+ coffee harvester, builds on Oxbo’s commitment to the Brazilian coffee industry. For decades, growers have depended on the reliability and durability of Oxbo harvesters to deliver the highest quality coffee.
The Oxbo 9240+ represents the next generation of coffee harvesting technology. The 9240+ was designed as a single harvesting solution for the full life of your coffee plants—from young trees to mature plantings.
When equipped with the innovative ConilonMax kit, the 9240+ extends the benefits of mechanical harvesting to conilon growers. This upgrade ensures efficient harvesting, minimizes the need for manual labor, and enables growers to harvest their coffee at the optimal time.
Every 9240+ is designed to deliver the highest quality coffee and is backed by local service and support, ensuring uptime during the critical harvest window.
Oxbo’s airconditioned cab delivers comfortable operation and reduces operator fatigue. The center-mounted position was designed to provide optimum visibility of all harvesting operations.