ExOzone® SR-100
100 - 1 000 m3
Emitted ozone quantity*:
400 g/h
Air output*:
650 m3/h
Electrical power output*:
0.35 kW
ExOzone® SR-500
1 000 - 6 000 m3
Emitted ozone quantity*:
1 800 g/h
Air output*:
4 000 m3/h
Electrical power output*:
0.95 kW
110 kg
1130 x 400 x 990 mm
55.5 kg
880 x 360 x 520 mm
ExOzone® SR-10
6 000 - 14 000 m3
Emitted ozone quantity*:
5 600 g/h
Air output*:
10 000 m3/h
Electrical power output*:
6.5 kW
550 kg
2100 x 960 x 1200 mm
*nominal, actual parameters vary depending on the customers' needs
Sustainable economical disinfection with ozone in the Poultry sector Fields of application
Eggs disinfecting
Disinfecting of nutritive materials
Disinfecting of premises and equipment
ExOzone® is a new generation, chemical-free disinfecting technology for surfaces and the air, and can be used on an industrial scale. The development work exceeding 10 years resulted in an internationally unparalleled high ozone gas emission. The equipment can be used extremely reliably and simply in the long term – the lifespan is 15 years at minimum service requirement. Due to the size the equipment can be moved quickly and simply – they are totally mobile.
The ozone generated in the course of programmed handling is entirely environment-friendly and is a chemical-free method to exterminate all microorganisms and pests. The ExOzone® technology offers an efficient solution to disinfect the entire surface, only using ambient air and a small amount of electricity – 350 W/h.