The newest member of the Pack Mfg Flat Filling Equipment line is here! The Pack Mfg PM20 Mixer and Flat Filler is the economical solution for any small or new grow operation. Without automated equipment, a nursery is forced to depend upon expensive labor. Deciding which equipment to purchase and which to do without is a challenge. Pack Manufacturing just made the decision a lot easier with the combination PM20 Mixer and Filling Machine. Growing media or potting soil is mixed in the integrated 1 cubic yard hopper under the safety-switch equipped, clear polycarbonate hood. The mixed media feeds directly from the hopper to the pot or tray filling line via the auger soil return system. Any excess potting media is safely recycled right back into the hopper for reuse with no waste. To ensure each container is uniformly filled, the Pack Mfg. PM20 is equipped with an adjustable rotary brush and pot sweeper, along with an extended 15-inch wide filling conveyor, roller take-offs, and variable speed controls. All this capability packed into one compact, mobile machine makes the Pack Mfg. PM20 Mixer and Flat Filler the easy investment choice for growers on a budget.