Combined efficiency and versatility:
Thanks to their rubber belt conveyor system, the machines of the PW professional series are capable of spreading a wide range of products. Equipped with a spreading auger measuring between 9 and 16 metres, and/or its hydraulic flat-bed trailers, the PW is the ideal machine for basic fertilisation using quick lime, mineral fertilisers or other dry or powder-form fertilisers, as well as with coarser and wetter products, such as oily scoria, crushed limestone or sewage sludge chips. The choice of electro-hydraulic components and the design of the chassis and the hopper guarantee intensive use in farming applications, all the while allowing for first-class maintenance operations. Numerous standard pieces of equipment (anti-arch roof, central hydraulics, etc…) and the setting options go hand-in-hand with the control and quality of the work to be performed.