Automatic candling of hatching eggs directly from setter trays identifies the status of eggs on six different levels. Fertile, dead and infertile eggs (clears) are recorded into a database and non-hatching eggs are removed automatically. Candling data is stored in exportable files, to create valuable fertility information for each batch or hatching egg supplier. Removed eggs can be discharged into a hopper for extraction via a vacuum system, or be transported directly into a waste container. Alternatively, infertile eggs can be manually or automatically packed onto 30 egg trays for alternative saleable use
How it works
-Eggs are automatically transferred in a setter tray via conveyor to the candling area
-The light sensor in the candling unit scans the eggs in the tray to reveal whether eggs are fertile, infertile, early dead, late dead or clear
-This data is recorded into a database for review and reference
-Infertile eggs are automatically removed
-Setter trays with remaining eggs continue for transfer into hatcher baskets