For a gentle separation of foreign bodies and a significant reduction in the volume of stalks.
The durable, reliable destemmers are designed for hand picking or mechanical picking, and are easy to clean and maintain. They can also be coupled with a Kliner high-speed sorting table (H600, H800, or H1000).
The stem shredder can be installed on the green waste disposal. It reduces the volume of waste to be disposed of. It can be used in large, custom-made, reception installations.
Destemming while protecting the harvest
Large diameter cage that rotates independently of the destemmer shaft.
The destemmer shaft has pins ending in swivel spatulas
PELLENC PERA ŒNOPROCESS destemmers will help you ensure that you optimise the quality of your harvest
Ease of use
Easy access to all the parts
Quick and easy to adjust
Easy to clean: built-in washing ramp.
H400 is a mobile, wheel-mounted destemmer
Reliable and sturdy design
The rotational speed of the destemming shaft can be modified thanks to an electronic frequency converter with remote control.
Reliability: tried and tested robust construction