Durana was developed specifically for persistence and grazing tolerance. It performs well as a companion forage with warm and cool season perennial grasses. Durana is widely adapted with excellent animal acceptance and performance. It is a highly durable perennial with excellent heat and drought tolerance. As a legume, Durana fixes 75-150 lbs/A nitrogen or more annually that can be shared with companion forages.
Planting & Growing Instructions
Seeding Dates: South: September - November...may be frost seeded in February to early March in some locations. Upper South: September - early November...may be frost seeded in February to early March or spring planted in April - early May. North: August – September ...may be frost seeded in February - March or spring seeded in April – May
Method: Seed can be drilled with a no-till planter equipped with a small seed hopper. Seed at a maximum depth of 1/8 inch. Planting clover seed too deep can result in stand failure. To frost seed, pastures should be grazed down to a height of 2”. Broadcast seed over the soil surface with a seeder designed to apply small seed. The use of a culti-packer or roller after seeding ensures good seed/soil contact and improves stand emergence. When frost seeding, increase seeding rate by 25%. Note: When frost seeding, it is important that spring growth of perennial pasture grasses be kept in check by periodic grazing in order to reduce competition and allow sunlight to reach the young clover seedlings.