Automatic System for Reception and Analysis
S.A.R.A. is a fully automated system for the reception and redistribution of the incoming grain sample. It helps in controlling the process of quality management from the sample intake right down to the possible data transfer from the analysing devices to the IT system.
Cut down testing time and increase the accuracy of results.
S.A.R.A. adapts to different needs and premises.
Principle of operation (example):
-Sample arrival in the cyclone receiver attached to a mobile (rotating or translating) distributor carriage.
-Automatic determination of the required grain level.
-Homogenisation by a blending auger.
-Distribution over the desired processing stations, such as:
-Grain cleaner.
-Analysing appliances.
-Sample collecting container.
-Bagging machine.
-Surplus material recirculation hopper.
-Can be designed to process raw grain as well as cleaned grain.
Speed up analysis and increase the accuracy of measurements.
-Fully automated sample distribution.
-No human intervention.
-Adaptable to any type and any make of analyser.
-Unlimited number of devices can be accommodated.
-Analysis on raw grain and/or cleaned grain.
-Meets highest specifications
-Optional software allows data and information exchange among the analysers and server.