PTH/S 500/660 is one of the medium power machines within Pezzolato drum chippers, whose drum diameter measures 660 mm. Its feeding mouth is 500 mm wide.
Able to produce up to 40 m3 chips per hour, it guarantees high throughput.
Mainly used in: biomass power plants, pellet-briquettes plants, saw mills and yards for chipping. It is ideal to chip saw mills waste and small diameter logs. They are equipped with three electric motors, one driving the drum and the other two driving the rollers, upper and lower. The feeding is given by the use of rubber bands, vibrating channels and tables, chain conveyors.
Powered by electric motor of 55 kW.
Thanks to the closed drum and the three blades, in standard configuration, they produce high quality chips, whatever wood is cut, considerably reducing fuel consumption.
The sharp cut through the blades and the drum’s inertia reduce the machine’s efforts and stress, thus confirming the well-known solidity of Pezzolato drum chippers.
The wear parts of all machines are simple to replace in short maintenance times and cheap.
The electronic controller suggests any ordinary and extraordinary maintenance operations to be performed according to the manufacturer’s maintenance plan.