Up to five times faster than conventional mechanical determinations
Bulk density for barley, oats, rye and wheat.
Robust design (stainless steel), 0.5 liters
Simple and easy operation
Mobile and power supply-independent
Exact measurements
Insert the skimming knife into the Chondrometer. Insert forerunner into the cylinder and pour in the grain sample. Pull out the skimming knife quickly. The forward member and the grain fall into the bottom part of the Chondrometer. Cut the volume exactly using the skimming knife. Pour out excess grain and weigh the contents on the compact digital balance. The bulk density (kg/hl) of the different grain types is then determined on the basis of the provided correction table.
Particularly suitable for farmers, universities and field testing. The Hecto grain tester is not compliant with the current Standard Weights and Measures Law in Germany!