The advanced LED technology in our GreenPower LED toplighting linear delivers maximal horizontal light uniformity and vertical light distribution. This ensures uniform growth for every plant in your greenhouse to help you realize a higher return on each crop.
GreenPower LED toplighting linear is the product you’ll need when light uniformity is key. It offers full flexibility in mounting the lights by using a separate c-profile. The result is optimal vertical light distribution and horizontal uniformity in cases where crop heights are limited or lower light levels are required. The linear range’s efficacy boosts up to 3.5 μmol/J and has an option to dim the lights to let you set and adjust the light levels when you need to.
Application Fields
Pot Roses
Leo van der Harg can now control lighting and temperature separately, thereby increasing plant quality and reducing energy costs.
At Siberia B.V. the high light output of LED toplighting promotes fast growth of lettuce and shortens the growth cycles.
High output
The High Output LED toplighting delivers very high light output, while radiating much less heat than HPS toplighting.
Regular output
LED toplighting linear delivers excellent horizontal light uniformity and vertical light distribution for uniform growth.
Regular output North-America
A special module has been developed for North-America (USA & Canada) to meet the UL/CSA standards.