Welcome to a completely different world of raking. The MERGENTO VT 9220 represents a new generation of forage merging. The new PÖTTINGER merger with a working width of up to 9,20 m for a centre swath, or up to 8,60 m for a side swath, combines maximum versatility and unique reliability when raking any type of crop to deliver the highest quality forage. A real all-rounder.
The best forage quality is the basis for your success
High yield livestock need a high quality basic ration. Ruminants are fussy about their forage. The quality of their basic ration will determine whether your animals consume the forage in high quantities, or not. In addition to energy content, odour and taste, a low crude ash content plays a critical role.
Clean, nutritious basic ration is readily eaten and consumed in high quantities. The amount of concentrates used can be reduced. This cuts forage costs while at the same time improving animal health.
Healthy livestock reward you with higher fertility, a longer useful life and, crucially, higher milk and meat yields. The bottom line is that you benefit from clean, high quality forage with more profit generating from your farm business.