The mesh tube allows to transpose of oyster spat in the nursery tank. The aim being the pre-fattening of the oyster before its farming at sea.
Mesh tubing characteristics
The mesh tubing are realized in composite material biosourced, a innovate material with food use. Ultralight, the fiberglass is a robust and imputrescible material guaranteeing the durability over time.
We offer two sizes of mesh tubes:
Ø 500,
Ø 400,
The mesh tubing has a height to 325 mm and has a different filtering surface according to their diameter. If a mesh tubes have a diameter to 400 mm, its filtering surface will be to 0,125 m2 and 0,196 m2 for a diameter to 500 mm.
The mesh tubing’s unit weight is inferior to 3kg.
It is equipped a mesh in polyester fully befit the oyster spat farming or clam spat farming. We realize different types of mesh:
A mesh from 150 µm à 3 000 µm (150,300,600, 800, 1000,1500, 2000 and 3000) for a diameter of 400 mm;
A mesh from 150 µm à 3 000 µm (150,300,600, 800, 1000, 1500, 2000 and 3000) for a diameter of 500 mm.