The power harrow plays an important role in many arable farming scenarios. Best quality tilth and excellent mixing of the soil to form a perfect seedbed are highlights of PÖTTINGER power harrows. Combined with a seed drill, this machine becomes a flexible and high output combination delivering perfect drilling results. We offer a tailor-made solution featuring many equipment versions to cover all soil types and different sizes of farm.
What is soil?
Soil is the uppermost loose layer of the Earth's lithosphere where the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere intermingle and influence each other. Sourced originally from rock, soil was formed by the influencing factors of climate, vegetation, relief, water, animals and humans. Over millions of years, soil-forming processes have created different layers in varying states of development.
Soil types
Different soil types each have the same characteristic structure sequence. Like, for example, brown earth soils. These soil types have different features and specifications. This means we can draw conclusions about how the soil was formed and identify special agronomic characteristics that need to be taken into account in plant cultivation and crop care.
Soil classification
The soil classification indicates the grain size composition of the mineral particles. These are divided into coarse soil with grain sizes above 2 mm, which form the soil structure, and fine soil with grain sizes below 2 mm.