Most planting seasons have weather challenges that make it difficult to plant all your fields in ideal conditions. SpeedTube is a seed delivery system that allows you to double your planting speed without sacrificing performance. You’ll have a sense of accomplishment when the rain comes and your planter is already back in the shed.
Work With Weather, Not Against It
Every spring, you want to get your acres planted in a timely fashion, in the best conditions possible. But more often than we wish, the weather messes with our plans, and causes us to make trade offs. Plant ahead of the cold front, and sacrifice stand? Plant in soil that is a day or two away from being fit because the calendar says I am behind? Stop making these tradeoffs, and be ready to beat the weather that comes your way with SpeedTube on your planter.
Think Agile, Not Cumbersome
Many growers try to solve the acres per hour question with a larger planter or more planters, which turns into costly equipment payments along with manpower and logisticaly challenges. Upgrading the planter that you currently have to be able to cover more acres an hour, accurately, is the smart choice for hitting your ideal planting window.