A cereal bin is a bulk grain storage silo with a conical bottom in which the cylinder stops at the top of the discharge cone. Loads are taken up in the cement by uprights supported by feet.
Unlike a flat bottom, the conical bottom of the bushel allows the cereal to be emptied completely by gravity.
Galvanizing protects the bushel. The duration of protection is proportional to the thickness of the zinc, so the cylinder of a bushel, its feet and its frame are galvanized Z600 (600 grams of zinc/m²) (or hot-dip).
Bushel diameters
Bushels are available in diameters from 2.68 to 8 meters. A bushel has a capacity of up to 600 tons, and can be fitted with temperature sensors and ventilation devices.
Slope: 45° or 60°, depending on the product stored.
Loading bushels
The loading troughs have a 45° slope, in accordance with the data sheet available for download.
In round bushels, the cone angle is identical over the whole cone, so the grain flows very well, unlike in square bushels.