It is some special kind of fabric used as a covering system of greenhouses, mainly in local áreas with light weather conditions. The purpose is the increase of temperaturas inside the greenhouse without refusing to transpiration. The reason to reach this goal is due to the combination of anti insect nets with cristal HDPE tapes. That is why we call this net “Mixed Net”.
We could use as well this fabric as a covering system for polytunnels in local áreas either with light winters or with soft summers.
Lately it is starting to be used to cover strawberry orchards, and its possible usage to cover mangos constitutes a good alternative chance por this fabric.
Rabitainsectproof Mixta
But protection against insects is not the only one, and the following may be highlighted:
Protection against the sun (20% shading)
Increase of temperatures inside the “Canary Island” type greenhouse during the day, as well as inside the polytunnels.
Higher durability than strecht films used to cover polytunnels or other type of frame.
Windbreak effect.
Decrease of evapotranspiration