OmniSeed is a fully integrated system offering you complete control and increased productivity. OmniSeed's remote tank console streamlines the air cart meter calibration process. Instead of running back and forth to the tractor cab, you can simply start and stop the meters remotely at the cart and enter calibration rates through the console. Combined with the Viper Pro and Envizio Pro series consoles, OmniSeed provides multi-product variable rate seeding and section control to support efficient and accurate seeding and fertilizer application. The Viper Pro also supports agX™ recommended files that provide detailed seed and chemical information to enhance application reports and data management.
-Advanced hydraulic motor-clutch for each bin to assure greater precision with simple single- section shutoff
-Integrated Run Blockage powered by AgTron™ to monitor run blockage with ease and simplicity
-Ultrasonic bin level sensors for more precise bin level indication
-Open lid indicator
-Remote tank calibration console
-Control multiple granular and liquid products simultaneously
-After-market install kits available
-Down pressure monitoring keeps you informed of changing soil conditions
-Data logging and record-keeping help make management easier
-AccuBoom™ section control for liquid applications