As a standardized interface, the ISOBUS ensures that data exchange and communication between the vehicle and the attachment, as well as the integration of other important systems, function smoothly. ISOBUS retrofits from Reichhardt also make older vehicles fit for Agriculture 4.0. This increases the ease of use and contributes to a sustainable further development of the company.
Perfect Communication
ISOBUS sets the Standard
With the intend of electronics as a practical aid in agricultural engineering, there would often be a large number of terminals inside the tractor cab. The solution came when manufacturers agreed on ISOBUS as the industry standard – more precisely, it was ISO 11783 that made things easier.
Retrofitting saves new purchases
Nowadays, new devices are often already equipped with ISOBUS ex works. The vehicles and implements available now require suitable retrofitting in order to also be able to use all the advantages. Reichhardt is a reliable partner when it comes to universally applicable products, regardless of the tractor brand and make of implement, and also offers a whole range of smart ISOBUS retrofit solutions. Of course, Reichhardt is also a member of the AEF, which promotes and monitors this development as a manufacturer organization.