Purpose of; Puppies, adult and meet the needs of older birds with vitamins A and prepared to address the lack of consistency is a powder vitamin and mineral combination. Pigeons, budgies, canaries, parrots as caged birds meet their daily vitamin needs, it protects from all kinds of stress. making a positive impact on the reproductive ability of birds provides a brief time of ovulation and eggs from healthy puppies out. Reduce the seasonal moulting period. the chick will assure a healthy and rapid growth. Vitamin meet increasing needs of older birds. Laying and broiler house chickens in improving the quality of infectious disease from vitamin deficiency in eggs and meat is used for support.
Unless advised by veterinarian in another way;
Ornamental Birds: 60-80 cc drinkers to 1-5 g
Pigeons: 250-300 cc drinkers to 3-8 g
Laying hens: 1 liters of water or fodder 10-20 g
Broiler chickens (broilers): 1 liters of water or fodder 10-20 g