The Drosera 280 Tedder is designed for use on challenging terrains, hills or mountains, small plots where it is difficut to go with large or medium machines. It’s the perfect solution for hobby farmers.
The Drosera 280 comes in two versions: third point hitched or pulled.
Technical Data
No. Arms for Rotors:N°6
No. Teeth per Arm:N° 1
Weight:Kg 250
Width in Transport Position:m 2.85
HP Requested Power:HP 20
Max. Speed of PTO Shaft:r.p.m. 540
No. Wheels:N° 2
Tires:2.5x8 Standard
Inflation Pressure:Bar. 1.5
Permanent Noise Level:dB 70
Attachment:Cat. I/II
Technical Data
Possibility to change the teeth distance from the ground in the working position of the machine.